If I told you that only $5/month could change someones life for now and for eternity, would you pitch in? With the Bible a Month Club, you have the opportunity to donate one Bible every single month to someone who has accepted Christ or to someone who is searching. So many people in our own communities have never had their own Bible. It is the mission and vision of LifeLight Ministries to provide the word of God to all who seek Him. Our goal is to grow the Bible a Month Club to 1000 Bibles every month.
To be part of this, please contact our office a 1-866-HIS-WORD or email us at Bibles@thelifelight.com
We will set you up with a debit or credit card option and we will also issue you a tax receipt at year end. Thank you for support. When you read our blog, website and newsletter, you can know that you have a part in these life changing testimonies.
Ryan Rempel
Executive Director