Friday, May 17, 2024

Thanks 🙏 for you help Friend!

Dear Friend!

We have an urgent need for $40,000 to republish 20,000 copies of the condensed Bible "Jesus? Who is He?".
I have personally committed to match your donation dollar for dollar up to $20,000 for this project.
Thank you for your consideration.
Here is your opportunity to double your impact for eternity. This Scripture features selected verses from Genesis to Revelation, telling the story of Jesus and His LOVE.
It will be published in memory of my BELOVED
Please go online at
May God bless you richly.
With heartfelt gratitude,

Raymond Dueck
Founding President
LifeLight Ministries Inc / BiblesForToday
Click here to see this Scripture

Bringing Hope and Redemption to Indigenous Communities and Prisons

"Hello. My name is Erick F.
I am writing to let you know that I am currently incarcerated at C.E.C.C. in Lindsay ON. I just wanted to let you know that last week the chaplain stopped by with his cart, and I asked if I could please get a book to read, I pointed to one called, "Jesus? Who is He?" A very enjoyable read. It helped me in my spiritual growth. I would like to thank your Ministry for helping to make this happen. I am being released from custody very soon and would like to continue to follow you, as well as send a donation. I was wondering if it would be possible to send me a copy of LifeLight New Testament and possibly other books. I would like to have it sent to my house, that way I will know I have received it. Thank you so much. God bless." –Erick F.

"It helped me to get closer to God. Thank you." – Ashley

Did you know that Indigenous people in Canada are disproportionately represented in our prison system? Shockingly, around 30% of inmates in Canadian prisons identify as Indigenous. This statistic is not just a number; it represents real people who are facing hardships, struggles, and a longing for something more in their lives.

We're dedicated to spreading the good news of the gospel  to marginalized and spiritually impoverished peoples..

Last year alone, we distributed 11,748 First Nations New Testaments. 852 Bibles went to prisons across Canada. The impact of you donations is huge, as evidenced by the feedback we receive:
"As the Coordinator of Chaplaincy Services I would like to thank Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc. for the donations of Bibles and the book, "Jesus? Who is He?." We believe the Bible changes lives and God is doing that. I think of the story of an inmate, who after reading the Bible, realized that they had an anger problem and they need to deal with it. Another inmate discovered that they needed to forgive some people and started a path towards letting go of the hardness and unforgiveness in their heart.

As a result of getting Bibles that have been donated by your ministry, many inmates are seeing their lives changed for the better.

Thank you for your generosity."
Click here to see this Scripture

Find Your Purpose

Make A Difference

Thanks again for caring!   

Would you be able to help us again? You can give by clicking below or by mailing your gift to: Canadian LifeLight, at the address below.

Friend, I would love to send you a free Scripture to share with a friend or neighbour. Please CLICK HERE to let me know which one you would like to receive.

We also provide Bibles to individuals and organizations working with Indigenous communities, impacting lives beyond prison walls.
"Hello. Two boxes of Bibles arrived this morning. Thank you. I was completely out of Bibles. At one location in a first nations gas bar 120 Bibles and 60 Jesus, Who is He books have been taken. The owner is amazed at the interest in the Bibles. He is interested in having the Cowboy Bibles available. If you are able to send me more of them I would appreciate it.
Blessings on your day."- Dennis Thomson
With approximately 1.7 million Indigenous people in Canada and around 200 correctional facilities where 30% of inmates identify as Indigenous, the need for our ministry is greater than ever.

I thank you for your spiritual and financial support to continue our vital work. Your contribution will make a difference in the lives of those who are longing for hope and redemption.

Together, we can bring light into darkness. Thank you for considering supporting our mission.

May God's mercies never come to an end in your life!

Does your church have a SCRIPTURE DISPLAY to encourage your members to share God's Word with their friends and neighbours? This display comes with 20 assorted Scriptures.

BiblesForToday LifeLight Scriptures are designed for ministries to campers, cowboys, truckers, police, military, fire fighters, student and children's ministry. Available in many languages including Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Filipino. has a multitude of ministry resources for you to use.

Your donation enables partners like you to give the Word to thousands. Thank you!

Blessings to you and yours!


Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc. Charity #882061021

61-81 Garry Street Winnipeg MB R3C 4J9 Phone 204-339-3770

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Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Sharki's tale of hope

Sharki's tale of hope 

Sharki, a kind homeless person, visits our office now and then to receive a free Bible. Today was different – he wanted a special, expensive one. I began to wonder if he was reselling them since he always asked for a different Bible. To test this, I asked for a small donation, hoping he might choose a different one.

"A donation?" he responded, and with a runny nose and dirty hands, he reached into his pocket. Orange pills fell to the floor as he handed me a pair of clean white socks, saying, "I have only this to offer."My heart melted.

Curious, I asked Sharki the truth, "Are you reselling them?" His answer was touching. "No, all your Bibles I keep in my room because demons are attacking me. And this one I will keep under my bed."Overwhelmed, I gave it to him, reminding him that it would help only if he opened it and read it.

God placed Sharki in our hearts, mine and my kids, and we sometimes remember him in our prayers. Perhaps, one day, he will find salvation. This is just one of many stories like this, as every week, 3-5 homeless, drug-addicted, and drunk people come to our office to take free Bibles.

All of this happens because of you, thanks to your love and support.

May your heart be moved by the possibility of making a difference!

     Zebo S.

March 2024


204 339 3770

61-81 Garry St. Winnipeg, MB R3C 4J9

12300, Ford Road, Street B306, Dallas, TX 75234, USA
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