Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Did You Know?

Did you know that according to a Barna Group study, 84% of people still prefer to read a paper copy of the Bible as opposed to a digital or audio version? There is such a huge need for people to have a physical copy of God's word in their hands! Here at Canadian LifeLight Ministries we are committed to getting the Word of God into the hands of everyone who wants one. Particularly, our most recent efforts have been focused on getting our new First Nations Bible into the 619 First Nations communities across Canada. Did you know that according to the Canadian government there are 901,053 First Nations people in Canada? About 47.4% of those people live on reserves. What a huge mission field! 

Will you help us get the good news of Jesus out to these First Nations communities? We need people to sponsor Bibles, as well as people willing to travel to these communities to hand out Bibles. Call us at 1-866-447-9673 or email us at to find out how you can help today!

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

MissionFest tour

On a recent Mission Fest tour, our project facilitator, Ken McGhie, came back and had these things to report:

•   A Native woman at a church in Edmonton clutched him by the hand and with tears in her eyes said, "Please do what you can to get this Bible out to my people."

•        A young native man named Aaron from that same church had tears in his eyes when he said he was a foster child who was so glad to receive this First Nations New Testament Ken had given to him earlier in the service.

•        The Chaplain, Charles, at Prince Albert Penitentiary said the First Nations New Testament was well received and some of the fellows just rejoiced upon receiving it!

•        Gordon Hausteader, an evangelist to First Nations communities, reported that the Bible was well received in Saddle Lake, AB and they are looking for more to come, hoping to start a First Nations Bible school!

•        A Metis lady from Winnipeg said she really appreciated and approved of the First Nations New Testament and said, "Praise the Lord!" She wanted one to share with someone she knew and knew it was going to be an open door for Salvation.