Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The LifeLight Message

I have reviewed your products and would like to get a quote from you.
Would you license us to reprint a LifeLight Message New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs? What would that cost for 50,000 copies? All additional notes, covers, etc would, of course, be subject to your approval.
What would you charge for custom printing 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 or 25,000 copies of each of:
The Message®: New Testament (youth edition) (with our logo on cover)
The Message®: New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs (paperback) (with our LifeLight Message full color cover)
We need minimum 4 custom pages for our information
What is the upcharge for 30 pages of helps similar to the helps in The LifeLight?
Thank you.
Raymond Dueck
Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc
"God's Word for this generation"

Credit Card donations can be made at

<>Mr. Dueck,
Kent asked me to follow up with you, he is extremely busy these days. I have read through what you are asking for and we can consider a couple options for you. The first is, we could produce an exclusive edition of several of the products we already produce for you with some modifications to the cover (all the changes would of course have to be approved by Eugene, his agent and us here at NavPress) Some of the products this works well with is the mass market edition of the New Testament, The Book of Psalms, The Book of Proverbs, The Gospel of John, and The Message//Remix (feel free to check out our website if you are not real familiar with these products ) There is however a minimum purchase required on these products that generally hovers around 5,000 units. That minimum is the only way we can afford to produce these exclusive editions. The second option is that you could purchase some of these existing products, we have a special markets team that works with ministries like yours and gives high discounts for give away purchases. Let me know if you think either of these options will work for you and I will put you in contact with the appropriate person.
Thank you.
MINDY MILLS | The Message

Thank you for your response. I can understand Dr. Peterson's reluctance to allow other text to be added to his. Would you/he consider allowing a publication of The Message with Psalms and Proverbs? With our own cover?
Raymond Dueck

Eugene passed on your letter to us at NavPress because we handle all correspondence of this nature of his behalf. I appreciate hearing about your ministry and respect your commitment to distribute the Word across Canada.
Eugene Peterson has made it very clear to NavPress that he wants The Message to be a Bible text that encourages Bible reading without the typical encumbrances that often come with study Bibles or other popular versions of the Bible with added material. Eugene wants readers to become engrossed in the text of the Word alone and not be sidetracked by added material, which originally even included his desire to not include verse numbers (which he has reluctantly since changed). He is therefore extremely hesitant to approve any additional content to printed versions of The Message. As his publisher we want o honor his vision for The Message and the reading of the Word, and therefore cannot approve or encourage the products that you propose because of the added content.
We do hope that you still consider The Message text in your future considerations, but would understand if you need to approach other publishers for permission to use their text instead. Thank you for your partnership in distributing The Word,
Kent Wilson
NavPress Publisher

Here is a copy of the letter I sent to Dr Peterson. He responded by asking me to contact you.

January 06, 2005

Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology, Regent College. BA (Seattle Pacific), STB (New York Theological Seminary), MA (Johns Hopkins), DHL (Hon.) (Seattle Pacific)

Box 732

Lakeside, Montana

59922 USA

Dear Dr. Peterson:

Your "The Message" has become a tremendous blessing to many. LifeLight Ministries is committed to "Providing the LifeLight of God's Word to this generation." To this end we have published 37,000 copies of "The LifeLight" New Testament, based on the NIrV, a simplified NIV, from the International Bible Society, and 20,000 copies of the "How To Find God" New Testament, NLT, with helps by Greg Laurie. I have enclosed a copy of each for you to review.

Our mandate is "To provide free Scriptures as God provides funds through His people." That means we raise funds, we buy or publish Scripture at the lowest possible cost, and give it away, while we raise more funds. Many of our Scriptures go directly into the hands of northern Manitoba school children. We would like to extend this ministry across Canada and around the world.

We would love to produce, under license, a LifeLight publication entitled "The LifeLight Message" that would include helps and Scripture commentary along with The Message New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs. We would publish it with a beautiful full color cover and give it away free.

Is this something you could agree to? Would you, or someone you know, be willing to write the Helps and Scripture commentary? How much royalty would you need? Your prayerful consideration of this request is appreciated.

I can be reached on my cell at 204-782-2112, at work 800-210-0141, or at home 866-670-2943

May God bless you in whatever He gives you to do!

Raymond Dueck

President, Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc

cc LifeLight Board and Staff

Here is a recent email we sent to our Partners and Friends:

Dear Friend:

The LifeLight New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs is the ideal gift to include with that Christmas hamper, give to your work associates, or anyone else on your Christmas list. It is a new simplified translation of the NIV, comes with full colour pictures, and study helps. Printed on quality Bible paper, it is a gift to be treasured for years to come. Your donation of $5 helps us buy more. Additional donations are welcome and will provide Scriptures to those who can't afford to pay for them. This includes the thousands of school children we reach every year in northern Manitoba.

Call Martha at our office for more information at 866-HIS-WORD or check out our website at Credit Card donations can be made at www.DonateBibles.NET

May God richly bless you through this season of remembering that Christ is the reason for the season

Raymond Dueck
Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc
"God's Word for this generation"
Box 4904
Steinbach MB R5G 1R5

866-HIS-WORD (477-9673)
Check out our catalogue at

The direct link to The LifeLight New Testament

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