Thursday, December 28, 2017

Life sure has its surprises

Just when you think you have a pretty good idea what you think your future holds someone has a different idea – God.
Marie spent most of her career as a Credit Manager and had been retired for 10 years, and in November/16 I was phased out of my career as a sales rep with Atlas Van Lines after 15 years. It looked like retirement was in the future.
God had a different idea.
Who would have expected God to call us into the Canadian LifeLight Ministry (CLLM) in our 70’s. We sure didn’t.
I had spent 25 years in ministry before (up until 2000) and did not expect to be called again. Of course we were willing and available, but at our age?!?!
What an absolute surprise and privilege.
There is no doubt that God called us to CLLM. We weren’t looking at all, but God worked and spoke through a number of people. We received a phone call, met with people, prayed and here we are in our 70’s, as of August/17, giving God’s Word out.
As you know LifeLight’s mandate is simple – get God’s Word in to as many people’s hands and in to as may homes as possible. We’d love to be able to get the bible to everyone in Canada. Of course that’s not likely to happen by CLLM alone, but we want to do as much as possible.
We have an unlimited number of bibles available – for children, adults, police officers, firefighters, recovery bibles, different languages, versions, etc. etc. If you have a particular need chances are we can get it to you. You can see all this in our Catalogue section on our website. If your church or organization needs bibles, material or tracts, or you’re an individual, give us a call. That is what we are here for.
We supply bibles to many of you - churches, camps, prisons, recovery groups, and occupational groups. What a privilege.
You never know what God has in mind. We just need to listen and follow His direction. Right now, as most of you know, in addition to all the above, a few years ago He directed CLLM to put together the LifeLight Bible for First Nation People. It was 3 years in the making and published 3 years ago.
As in many organizations, one “product” takes centre stage, and that is what has happened at LifeLight. While we are still greatly involved in giving out all the other bibles, but the First Nations Bible has become a main focus. It is in great demand and extremely well received. Praise The Lord.
Marie’s and my job are to raise the funds to pay for the bibles that we give out. When we give out bibles we ask the recipients if they can make a donation to help pay for them – if not we of course still give them the bible. Many organizations are charities like us and can’t pay for them. 
We have a great staff at CLLM. Carolyn Dueck is our Office Manager, Ken and Patricia McGhie work in outreach, and Raymond Dueck is our hands-on Founder and President. We all have different gifts - but our job is get the bills paid.
We need to be as creative as possible. I know we have to do the foot work – but we have to believe that God will open up the doors for us to share the ministry and raise the funds. We just started. We are looking forward to great things. We believe this is God’s ministry, and He will do what He wants to get the job done.
We plan to have some dessert night fund raising events. We will also be at the various town festivals.
We would like to present our ministry at your church for a few minutes or a complete service. I was a pastor and speaking is one of my gifts.
We are networking with a number of pastors and missionaries who preach the Word and then give out our Bibles. We can’t be everywhere but others can be.
If you can help in any way – that would be great. Our first need is prayer, then funds, and lastly if you want to help us organize an event or get us in to your church – that would be great as well. Maybe you have some ideas.
If you want to be a part of this ministry please give us a call. Remember – it is God’s ministry. We are just a group of His servants each with different gifts.
We will be at the Vancouver MissionFest January 26 – 28. Maybe we will see you there. I will be contacting some of you who live in the Vancouver area to come and visit.
We are looking forward to a blessed new year at CLLM. We pray that you too will have a great new year.
God bless you all.

P.S. - Right now we have a need for office space. Our landlord has given us to the end of January to move. We have put feelers out but nothing has come up yet. This was a total surprise to us. We need to rest in the fact that this was not a surprise to God. He has a place but we still have to do our part. We only found out a month or so ago. We need your prayers and help if you can.

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