Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A women after God's Heart.

I have had the privilege of visiting many churches on behalf of LifeLight Ministries as we spread the good news of Jesus around Winnipeg, Canada, and the world. We are honoured to provide easy to read Bibles for all ages to read and connect with God.

Last week I was attending Bethlehem Aboriginal Fellowship, and we had a great service, as we worshiped, prayed, and shared God's word. We where all reminded that God is at work in our lives despite what we face in hardships and life trials. Romans 8 and Jeremiah 29 remind us of God's good plan for our lives, that will work for our good as we love God and trust Him.

As  the service was coming to a close, a lady in the congregation was acknowledged and was asked to come and share. Her name was Amy and she was 81yrs old, and has been preaching and teaching to her First Nations people all over Canada, in over 30 reserves, and for many years. She shared the stories of her people coming to Jesus, and how there was a need for more Bibles, and more Pastors needed to reach the lost of the north in country. She is still going strong and told many stories of young and old being transformed by God's word.She told us that the needs are great.

After the service was over, I stayed and we prayed together. After we continued to ask God to use us to reach the lost, I told her that I had a case of Bibles for her today, and she was overwhelmed at God's timing. She was heading back north and needed them desperately ! She invited me to join her as soon as possible ,to teach and preach to the 30 reserves that she is working with. We at LifeLight cannot wait to partner with and reach more people for Jesus. God is on the move, and it is great to be a part of what he is doing. Amy at 81 is still going strong for Jesus, and is an inspiration to us all!


Paul Winter
National Team Leader
Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc

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