Monday, December 02, 2013

Bibles in times of Disaster

From our Team Leader:

One of the worst storms in history recently hit the central Philippines and devastated the region. The images were hard to watch and our hearts go out to the people of that country, as well as the many people here in Canada whose loved ones were displaced or lost by this disaster.
On the Monday after this tragedy I visited Pastor Fred of the Church of the Living Hope. He had requested a box of Find God New Testaments to share with newcomers.  He also wanted some for outreach to the University of Winnipeg campus. His congregation  is largely made up of a Filipino  people.
We talked and prayed about the situation in the Philippians, and he invited me to come to the prayer meeting at the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba the following night and suggested I bring some more Bibles. 
That evening 60-70 people including pastors from different denominations prayed in unity that God would intervene in the Philippines. We sang hymns that reminded us of God's faithfulness in the midst of life's storms. We prayed for specific needs such as food, shelter and clean water for the people in need.
I placed 24 Bibles on the table and invited anyone who had a friend or a relative that needed a Find God New Testament to take one. In its pages is the message of hope for people to get through the tragedies of life. I showed them the Four Feature Tracks included in this NT that instruct and encourage readers in the Christian faith and how to find them. When the evening was over all the FREE Bibles were gone. I am encouraged that many people will Find God in the trials and heartaches.


Paul Winter
National Team Leader
Canadian LifeLight Ministries Inc
330-1695 Henderson Hwy
Winnipeg MB
R2G 1P1
Cell: 204-218-7239

Our purpose is to serve Christ by enabling His followers to provide God's Word for today.

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